Barack Ben Ezer, a former Microsoft employee, has delivered what seems to be the top Israeli iPhone app. After seven years in the cellular section of Microsoft, Barack and his good friend Tommy Sheinfeld have started MyApParty, and developed a unique application for iPhone – The iFog.

The iFog application turns the iPhone into a window like in a cold winter day, letting the user to draw, write or stretch on it. The application, which costs 99 cents, has recently been promoted to the top 20 iPhone applications list!

“The idea came up to me while doing a shower” says Barack, “I drew some notes on the steam full shower glass and then the idea struck me, let’s have the same thing with the iPhone!”
“We understood that the iFog application is doing great after we got tons of e-mails from people around the world, sending us their own “steams” creations. By the way, the first countries that made the iFog application go up on the most wanted iPhone application were Italy and Spain”

When Barack is asked what is the next exciting application that they will deliver the iStore he says “In this stage were trying to save our ideas to ourselves, but you’ll wait and see we have a great things coming up!”

This post was contributed by Morad Stern, a usability Expert who loves web, gadgets and tech. He also writes the Usability Blog. (Hebrew)

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