Biz Stone, Co-Founder of Twitter, held a press conference in Tel Aviv today to discuss the company’s plans going forward. This trip comes hot off the heels of his visit trip to the UK where, among other things, Biz appeared at NESTA with Reid Hoffman (Co-Founder of LinkedIn) and Steven Fry.

Biz was greeted by journalists eager to learn about the startups plans regarding monetization and acquisitions. On the latter, Biz indicated that the they are “definitely interested in” making acquisitions and referred to the acquisition of Summize last year as an “outstandingly good decision”. Summize provided the foundation for Twitter’s current search technology. They will be apparently be looking at developers that manage to grab their attention, which suggests that they are interested in acquiring talent just as much as they are in acquiring technology.

When asked about plans to break even – he was no doubt asked about the company’s monetization plans numerous times while in the UK – Biz indicated that they are looking to making money in 2010 through advertising initiatives which he referred to as “non-traditional”. But he also emphasized that there is no rush and that the company would consider going public in the future if necessary. Biz keynoted tonight at NETworking 2009 and you can see what people are saying about him right now on Twitter.

Geoffrey Mugliston (mer-gliss-ton) is a London-based Australia-born entrepreneur, strategist and blogger. He began writing for VC Cafe in 2009 with the objective of showcasing promising Israeli startups to the global startup and investment community. He is co-founder of a consumer internet company with its development team based in Haifa (currently in stealth-mode). He also serves as adviser to a pan-European startup which develops software for print service providers. Prior to his current projects, Geoffrey worked in management consulting with a focus on the infrastructure sectors. When not working (though sometimes while working) he enjoys coffee, running and engaging in intense debate. He holds an undergraduate degree in finance from the University of Sydney.

Published by gmugliston

Geoffrey Mugliston (mer-gliss-ton) is a London-based Australia-born entrepreneur, strategist and blogger. He began writing for VC Cafe in 2009 with the objective of showcasing promising Israeli startups to the global startup and investment community. He is co-founder of a consumer internet company with its development team based in Haifa (currently in stealth-mode). He also serves as adviser to a pan-European startup which develops software for print service providers. Prior to his current projects, Geoffrey worked in management consulting with a focus on the infrastructure sectors. When not working (though sometimes while working) he enjoys coffee, running and engaging in intense debate. He holds an undergraduate degree in finance from the University of Sydney.

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