Globes Ranked Top 10 Israeli startups

Globes ranked the top 10 Israeli startups for 2012, and social marketplace Fiverr has taken the top spot. Fiverr has not only created a new marketplace, but also established a whole category, which attracted quite a lot of copycats (make Purple cows people!). Some of these include: Smalljob, 20s, and Gigim as well as Fourerr, Sixerr, and Eighterr…

Bitesize Tuesday: Fifty one, Provigent and Time to Know

# 80 schools in New York are testing Time to Know’s computer-based curriculum in the class room as part of a $7.2 million project –
# Fabless semiconductor company Provigent is named the most promising startup in Israel by Globes and E&Y – The company had $25 million revenue in 2009 and expects $40 million in sales this year

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