5min Wins Top Spot in TechAviv’s Peer Awards

TechAviv, the members-only meetup group for Israeli start ups, has concluded its starup competition the “TechAviv Peer Awards”. The top spot was awarded to Israel’s 5min.com,the leading online platform for how-to, instructional and knowledge videos, which was crowned as the most promising Israeli web start up in 2009. Colnect was a close runner up.

Attention Israeli Entrepreneurs: TechAviv Angels Launches

Yaron Samid’s TechAviv, the most extensive Israeli start up meetup group in Israel and the US, has announced the launch of a new angel network today. TechAviv Angels is an informal group of Israel’s ‘top dogs’ media founders, that grouped together to identify, fund and mentor early stage Israeli start ups. I have to hand it …

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