Stealth Movie Recommendation Site Jinni Gets A Million

Start-Up Factory, an Israeli angel ‘fund’ formed by dozens of Israeli industry and technology leaders, has made a $1 Million investment in Jinni,  a stealth movie recommendation engine led by Yossi Glick. Jinni solves an interesting problem. PPV, VOD and online video platforms lack a recommendation service. Think about it – every time you buy …

Modu, Dov Moran’s mysterious mobile startup unveils modular cell phone jackets

There was little known about Dov Moran’s start up Modu when I covered  it’s appearance at CES 2008 last month. At the time, speculations alluded to a mobile technology that allows users to transform electronics into mobile phones, or visa versa give mobile phone flexible capabilities of other consumer electronic devices. They weren’t that far off.Today, Modu …

Overview: 16 Israeli companies at CES 2008 this week

Over 20,000 new gadgets and technologies will be unveiled at CES in Las Vegas starting tomorrow, and over 2,700 companies will present over the course of the following four days. The International CES conference is produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) and has been a prominent platform for companies producing “all things consumer electronics” …

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