CrowdIT, the company behind DoNanza, secures funding from AfterDox Angels

CrowdIT Ltd., the company which operates the freelance work search engine DoNanza, has secured a “several hundred thousand dollar” investment from the AfterDox Angels Investment Group, writes Shiri Habib-Valdhorn at Globes.

donanzaCrowdIT Ltd., the company which operates the freelance work search engine DoNanza, has secured a “several hundred thousand dollar” investment from the AfterDox Angels Investment Group, writes Shiri Habib-Valdhorn at Globes.

The company’s DoNanza service was reviewed in full by TechCrunch in June, which dubbed it the “Kayak of online freelance project search”. Currently in alpha, it sources listings from companies like Odesk, Elance and Demotix, and presents them in an easy-to-navigate format.

CrowdIT also offers an XML API, which provides developers with access to the DoNanza database of online projects, in addition to publisher solutions, which include interactive project boxes and co-branded search engines.

The company was founded in 2008 by Liran Kotzer (CEO), Gil Pal (Product ManageR) and Ami Dudu (Ra&D Manager), and had previously obtained angel funding from Yossi Vardi.

Geoffrey Mugliston (mer-gliss-ton) is a London-based Australia-born entrepreneur, strategist and blogger. He began writing for VC Cafe in 2009 with the objective of showcasing promising Israeli startups to the global startup and investment community. He is co-founder of a consumer internet company with its development team based in Haifa (currently in stealth-mode). He also serves as adviser to a pan-European startup which develops software for print service providers. Prior to his current projects, Geoffrey worked in management consulting with a focus on the infrastructure sectors. When not working (though sometimes while working) he enjoys coffee, running and engaging in intense debate. He holds an undergraduate degree in finance from the University of Sydney.

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