AI videos make COVID-19 information accessible to a global audience

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The tech world is rallying to support the World Health Organization in the fight against COVID-19. A key problem tech companies are aiming to help solve is communication – in particular to ensure that critical information about COVID-19 reaches the global audience that needs it.

The World Health Organization partnered with WhatsApp, a social channel used by 1.6bn people, to release a new emoji-driven interactive service, followed by a similar service launched in partnership with Viber. Now in a similar effort startup, Hour One, is using its AI technology to convert text-based information from the WHO website into videos presented by synthetic characters. The aim is to make essential information more digestible for people of all ages and abilities across the world. Video drives 95% retention versus text, which drives 10% and the characters lend a friendly, human touch.

The videos are generated using AI, enabling high volumes of text to be converted to studio-quality video, without the need to gather a studio team. Content can be generated in different languages and distributed to a global audience very quickly, and at high volumes. The COVID-19 videos are currently in English and German, and available at the links below for anyone to share or embed.

Click here to view the video in English

Click here to view in German

About Hour One

Hour One is the world’s first synthetic character platform based on real-life people for professional and commercial use. We help businesses communicate with their customers to increase engagement and sales. Our characters are completely generated using computers in a quality that’s already proven to pass a Turing test. Today, we are the leading provider for trusted synthetic video in the market, providing a human touch to all kinds of remote activities including e-commerce, e-learning, remote interviews and delivering the weather. Hour One was founded by veterans in the field of artificial intelligence and is backed by leading venture capital investors and entrepreneurs.

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