Older, Richer, More Customers: Accelerators Go Corporate

Corporate accelerators are a recent phenomenon, both in Israel and globally. Microsoft selected Israel last year to launch its very first accelerator program. The company takes no equity, with the emphasis on business and technical mentoring.

Startups for Startups: The Top B2B Tools Used by Startups

Why do so many founders build things no one wants? Because they begin by trying to think of startup ideas. – Paul Graham, Ycombinator Picks and Axes In his list of startup ideas for Ycombinator applicants, one category in particular drew my attention – “Startups for Startups”. The reason for its popularity is simple: a …

“Indecent Proposal” For Startup Founders

Would you accept an offer of $8000 to build an MVP for that idea you’ve been toying with and had no balls to act upon. It seems that while the cost of creating a startup has significantly declined, and the barriers to entry enable literally almost anyone to start a technology startup, there’s no substitute for the passion, focus and attention of the founding team and it’s unlikely to be artificially produced in a “Lab” environment or by simply providing a small amount of capital.

Games of Luck vs Games of Skill and What it Means for the Tech Industry

There’s been a lot of talk recently about small startups being over funded.  Sean Parker, founder of Napster,  President of Facebook and Founders Fund investor,  said: “The market is ridiculously overcrowded with early-stage investors. A lot of these early-stage investors will fund literally anything…  [it’s] the assembly line approach to investing.” What’s the problem with …

The Startup Factories, How Incubators Are Shaping Entrepreneurs [Report]

Startup incubators have grown in double digits in the last couple of years. Following the success of Ycombinator and TechStars, in recent years we have seen literally hundreds of regional incubators set up in the rest of the US and Europe, across campuses and within vertical industries, such as mobile or finance.

7 Start-Up Competitions Help Entrepreneurs Get Off Ground

Do you have a tech start-up that you’re trying to get off the ground? Check out these upcoming eventsaround the world. Hurry up – application deadlines are approaching!

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