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26 posts
Creative automation
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The State of Creative Automation

The process of creative automation is being accelerated massively with AI. We're now able to leverage technology to create original text, video, art and music, test it with audiences and keep the versions that perform best.

Spotlight on Vault AI, the Moneyball for content

The Moneyball thesis is simple: Using statistical analysis, small-market teams can compete by buying assets that are undervalued by other teams and selling ones that are overvalued by other teams. Vault is an AI powered predictive marketing and analytics platform that simulates the global content market to predict consumer demands.
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Roundup of 2018 AI Predictions

In this post I round up various AI predictions, not so much the ‘eye rolling’ apocalyptic ones, but the more practical view on how will AI progress next year. No need to mention that forecasting is not easy, and you have to take these with a big pinch of salt, but it’s still interesting to extend an imaginary line from an existing trend and see where it leads.