The Impact of the Dollar Devaluation on Israeli Startups

This year alone, the Dollar dropped 20% against the Shekel, causing startups to run out of money quicker than what they expected. In the article “Start-ups stuck in winter doldrums“, Globes interviews Erez Shachar, a managing partner at Evergreen Venture Partners, and touches on the influence that the weakening of the dollar (hence the strengthening …

Exclusive Interview: Conduit can do it – strides to become the leading content syndication platform (Ronen Shilo)

A year ago people used to say that “content is king” when it comes to making it big on the internet. But does the old paradigm hold today when every web 2.0 startup seeks user-generated content and 156,046 social networks were created on Ning? Meet the new king – “syndication”. Ronen Shilo, CEO of US/Israel …

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