Smart Start for your Startup

On one hand, it’s never been easier to launch a startup. On the other hand, the chances of success seem to be ever decreasing. This post covers how to smart start your startup and maximize the chances of achieving product-market fit.

Steve Blank’s Customer Development on One Diagram

This was just too good not to share. In a nutshell, start by talking to customers. Come up with a minimum viable product and test product market fit. Avoid building junk that users aren’t asking for. Did you find something that is repeatable and scalable in your tests? now it’s time to find a business model that captures the value for the product or service you are providing to customers.

Thoughts on LeanCamp Unconference in London

I’m currently at LeanCamp, the unconference that aspires to help people both learn and teach evrerything Lean Startup related. I must admit, I’ve been to my fair share of conferences in the past few years, some were exclusive and expensive events to produce, some were humble gatherings (maybe too humble at times). LeanCamp strikes the perfect balance between a well-organized event and a community meetup or gathering.

MVP Testing – How to Drive Traffic to your Website

A few months ago, my colleague Jalin Somaiya and myself (Eze Vidra) gave the below presentation to a group of 20 entrepreneurs who participated in Launchpad, a London-based accelerator organized by Launch48.

Fail Fast, Fail Cheap? A contrarian point of view

Contrary to popular belief, failing fast and failing cheap could actually do a disservice to your startup. VC Cafe takes a contrarian view on this popular startup piece of advice.

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