Pivot = Don’t Give Up

I’m a big fan of the Lean Startup movement. At the heart of Lean Startup methodology is the concept of “Pivoting”, essentially changing the product, the target market, the business model, etc when the startup can’t prove its original hypothesis.

Entrepreneurs: How to Delight Your VC [part I]

VC Cafe asked European and Israeli VCs for their wish list from entrepreneurs, or in other words, what should entrepreneurs be doing more or less of, to maximize their chances of success.

How Can Venture Capital Funds Differentiate Themselves [VC Wish List Part 2]

10 things VCs can do to differentiate themselves and provide more value to potential investments – based on feedback from dozens of entrepreneurs. So what makes one VC fund be better perceived than others?

The Entrepreneur’s Wish List from VCs [part 1]

VC Cafe asked entrepreneurs to tell us what type of help or support they wish they could get from the venture capital investors. What started originally as how can VCs differentiate themselves to stand out, quickly became an Entrepreneur’s wish list from its VCs.

Entrepreneurship 101: The CEO and VC as Chief Psychologists

Mark Suster, a 2x entrepreneur turned VC, offers a good recount of what it takes to be a CEO in “My Life as a CEO (and VC): Chief Psychologist”. What do CEOs do?

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