AcceloWeb (known as FasterWeb) sold to Limelight Networks

AcceloWeb, an Israeli startup formerly known as Fasterweb, has been acquired by Limelight Networks (Nasdaq:LLNW) for undisclosed terms. Acceloweb develops technology that helps increase the load time of websites, a need that has been growing as applications migrate to the cloud. Following the deal Acceloweb will become Limelight’s development center in Israel.

Sequoia funds mysterious Israeli startup Cotendo

Tech Confidential has an interesting post about Sequoia’s latest investments. According to the article, VC giant Sequoia Capital recently added four new companies to its portfolio –all headquartered outside the U.S. One of these companies is an Israeli startup called Cotendo. What do we know about Cotendo? not much since the company’s website is just …

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