Requests for Startups in 2024

Build stuff people want

Generative AI mega rounds and opportunities for Israeli startups

Can Israeli startups join the crop of leading companies in the Generative AI space, or are they too late to the game?

The future of search is being reinvented with generative AI

I spent a chunk of my career as a product manager in search (, GLG,, AOL and Google) so I find this particularly interesting. Until now, to succeed in search companies needed two things: 1) an index of the web 2) an algorithm to organise the results. In the early days of the web, …

Impressions from Sam Altman’s talk in London

What drives Sam Altman is OpenAI’s ability to create AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). He believes it’s possible and that it’s not that far. It won’t look like ChatGPT, but the path to AGI passes through LLMs

Benchmarking LLMs performance

Market share for generative AI products will be influenced heavily by user perception

The Evolution of Tech Wars: Past, Present, and Future

Exploring the most significant battles that have shaped and will continue to define the technology industry

Generative AI and the future of content creation

Generative AI will dramatically reduce the price and effort of creating new content, and automating tasks

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