New Entrants tap into gaming for engagement and retention

The battleground for consumer attention and engagement is fiercer than ever. Platforms traditionally known for streaming videos or facilitating professional networking are expanding their horizons into the gaming sector. This move underscores a strategic pivot towards creating more interactive and immersive experiences, aimed at capturing and retaining user attention in an increasingly fragmented digital landscape. …

The Rapid Evolution of Generative AI Video footage

2023 was the year of generative AI, but more specifically, the year we witnessed the power and potential of LLMs, large language models. A lot of the world of work is based around text: documents, email, content, media. Both startups and large tech companies leaned in hard, incorporating automation tools and generative AI applications across …

The future of search is being reinvented with generative AI

I spent a chunk of my career as a product manager in search (, GLG,, AOL and Google) so I find this particularly interesting. Until now, to succeed in search companies needed two things: 1) an index of the web 2) an algorithm to organise the results. In the early days of the web, …

Benchmarking LLMs performance

Market share for generative AI products will be influenced heavily by user perception

The Big Tech AI race continues with Google’s new generative AI announcements

Google announced a number of generative AI improvements for consumers and developers today, ahead of Microsoft’s GPT-4 launch this week

Generative AI and the future of content creation

Generative AI will dramatically reduce the price and effort of creating new content, and automating tasks

Where is Cloud Gaming headed post Google Stadia

Don’t write Cloud gaming off just yet. Where Google Stadia failed, others might succeed.

The top 10 companies investing billions in the Metaverse

The top 10 companies investing in R&D, M&A and commercialisation of the tech stack for the Metaverse

How can startups engage with Google?

The various startup engagement and outreach programs at Google from investment, to partnerships and commercial through various equity free mentorship and support programs.

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