New Entrants tap into gaming for engagement and retention

The battleground for consumer attention and engagement is fiercer than ever. Platforms traditionally known for streaming videos or facilitating professional networking are expanding their horizons into the gaming sector. This move underscores a strategic pivot towards creating more interactive and immersive experiences, aimed at capturing and retaining user attention in an increasingly fragmented digital landscape. …

How can startups engage Amazon and AWS across investment, partnerships and support

A few months ago, VC Cafe launched a series on startup engagement and outreach programs of large tech companies. After covering Google startup outreach and support (from my first hand experience), I’m happy to add Amazon and AWS, by looking into the variety of ways startups can engage with the commerce and cloud giant. The …

How might the streaming wars escalate?

For the first time in 12 years, Netflix is facing real competition. How will the streaming wars escalate? We suggest three compelling options, which spell opportunities for startups in entertainment tech.

Five Nuggets on Motivation, Grit, Culture and Strategy

5 nuggets on motivation, grit, strategy and communications from content I read this past week.

Flight of the BAT: Chinese Tech Charging Ahead

We seem to have hit an inflection point as more VC funding went to China than the US in Q2 2018. Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are investing billions in innovation and have a play in seemingly every sector of technology. But what would it take for American companies to succeed in China or Chinese companies to succeed in America? And will trade tariffs slow up growth?

The tech trends that shaped 2017

As we approach the last stretch of 2017, I wanted to take stock of the tech trends that shaped our year. In the next post, I’ll cover additional tech trends of 2017 and my predictions for 2018.

Don’t be too proud to copy

It would be hard to compete with Google on search, Facebook on social networking and Amazon on ecommerce.

Scale of Messaging Landscape 2017

Now bigger than social media, messaging apps are on practically every phone, and only growing in engagement. This post is my own learning process about this subject.

Occupy the App Store!!

As developers grow increasingly desperate for monetization, Amazon (which runs its own app store in 200 countries) identified success factors of the Top 50 applications.

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