New Entrants tap into gaming for engagement and retention

The battleground for consumer attention and engagement is fiercer than ever. Platforms traditionally known for streaming videos or facilitating professional networking are expanding their horizons into the gaming sector. This move underscores a strategic pivot towards creating more interactive and immersive experiences, aimed at capturing and retaining user attention in an increasingly fragmented digital landscape. …

Take Five: The Metaverse

There is a seemingly non-stop stream of articles, reports and news coming out about the metaverse. I try to separate signal from noise in my latest post on the topic

Don’t be too proud to copy

It would be hard to compete with Google on search, Facebook on social networking and Amazon on ecommerce.

The Rise of Intelligent Assistants

Day 9 of my 30 day blogging challenges. This year, 35.6 million Americans will use a voice-activated assistant at least once a month, doubling last year’s figure, forecasts eMarketer.  Competition is heating up, and the potential these devices have extends far beyond the home into the car and workspace.

Scale of Messaging Landscape 2017

Now bigger than social media, messaging apps are on practically every phone, and only growing in engagement. This post is my own learning process about this subject.

The End of Wearables

2015 has been the year of wearables HYPE. Want proof? The number of Google search links for “wearables” (25 million) exceeds the number of units sold last year (19 million, according to Juniper Research). On April 24th, the first wearables PLATFORM, Apple Watch, will redefine the role of wearables.

Occupy the App Store!!

As developers grow increasingly desperate for monetization, Amazon (which runs its own app store in 200 countries) identified success factors of the Top 50 applications.

From a modest $200 million in bi-lateral trade in 1992 (when diplomatic relations were established), India-Israeli trade surpassed $6 billion in 2012-13. This number is projected to double with the passage of a Free Trade Agreement.

B is for BUBBLE: Venture Capital in 2013

The BUBBLE came to Israel too, with a record $4.2 billion in exits, averaging $83 million. While there were IPOs (notably Wix in November), most of the acquisitions were made by global technology companies with R&D Centers (and their corporate M&A teams) in Israel, including Apple, Google, EMC, AOL, Cisco, IBM and now Facebook.

French President Hollande Leads Delegation to Meet Israeli Startups

Francois Hollande, President of France, led a delegation this week of 260 senior French executives and government officials to Israel for the 2nd annual France-Israel Innovation Day. The objective was to connect French companies with innovative Israeli startups.

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