Enterprise IT in 2014: Follow the Money

The Cloud has transformed the fundamental role of the IT department from business enabler to business innovator. Vendors that can enable IT Managers to assess risk, manage large data sets and analyze processes will be rewarded handsomely. In 2014, expect to see widespread implementation by IT departments of Platform (PaaS), Infrastructure (IaaS) and Software (SaaS) as a Service tools for scalable and cost-effective services.

SXSW: Israeli startups and how to Get an ROI from the Spring Break for Geeks

SXSW can be a waste of time if your’e not careful. In this post, Levi Shapiro provides a few tips to get the ROI from the 21st anniversary of SXSW and how to meet the Israeli startups there!

B is for BUBBLE: Venture Capital in 2013

The BUBBLE came to Israel too, with a record $4.2 billion in exits, averaging $83 million. While there were IPOs (notably Wix in November), most of the acquisitions were made by global technology companies with R&D Centers (and their corporate M&A teams) in Israel, including Apple, Google, EMC, AOL, Cisco, IBM and now Facebook.

B2B Marketing in 2014: Content + Technology

2014 will be a BIG year for Digital Marketing. AdAge’s annual survey of top B2B marketers found that 80% have boosted their digital marketing budgets, the highest proportion ever. A new wave of Israeli marketing technology startups are helping CMOs get more bang for their digital buck.

Las Vegas and CES: The New Cannes

This week marked the annual b2b marketing frenzy known as the Consumer Electronics Show (URL) in Las Vegas. 155,000 visitors, a record, trundled across an Exhibition Area the size of 37 football fields. Las Vegas has become the new Cannes and the stakes are indeed high. Surrounded by roulette wheels and craps tables, Madison Avenue has chosen to double down on the Silicon Valley model.

State of the Digital Music Industry 2014: An Insider’s View

Music is everyone’s favorite example of digital disruption done wrong. After peaking at $38 billion revenue more than a decade ago, the industry stabilized last year at $16.5 billion. Now the focus is on digital music GROWTH. 2014 will be the year in which internet radio leads the music industry’s growth.

Harvard Professor Yochai Benkler: Cooperation Trumps Self-Interest

Harvard Professor Yochai Benkler has a radical premise: cooperation triumphs over self-interest. In a lecture this month in Tel Aviv, he called for cooperation and community as a tool to fundamentally transform business.

Older, Richer, More Customers: Accelerators Go Corporate

Corporate accelerators are a recent phenomenon, both in Israel and globally. Microsoft selected Israel last year to launch its very first accelerator program. The company takes no equity, with the emphasis on business and technical mentoring.

French President Hollande Leads Delegation to Meet Israeli Startups

Francois Hollande, President of France, led a delegation this week of 260 senior French executives and government officials to Israel for the 2nd annual France-Israel Innovation Day. The objective was to connect French companies with innovative Israeli startups.

mHealth in the Era of Obamacare

The recent regulatory changes of Obamacare create opportunities and challenges for mHealth and eHealth startups that are worth considering. This post covers the massive changes that are about to take place in the industry and 66 Israeli startups operating in the mhealth space.

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